Settings and Preview Tutorial


Here, the query used to obtain the featured image is defined. You can use the post title, main category, first tag, custom field, or a custom value.

  • Post Title: Uses the entry title as the query for searching or generating the featured image.
  • Primary Category: Uses the main category of the entry as the query for searching or generating the featured image.
  • First Tag: Uses the first tag of the entry as the query for searching or generating the featured image.
  • Custom Query: Uses the value entered in the Custom Query field for searching or generating the featured image.
  • Custom Field: Uses the value of the Custom Field to search or generate the featured image; the field’s name must be entered in Custom Query.

How to use Custom Field from Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)

Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)
  • Selected in Query: Custom Field
  • Custom Query: Name of the custom ACF field

How to use Native Custom Field

  • Selected in Query: Custom Field
  • Custom Query: Name of the custom field

WordPress Native Custom Fields: WordPress provides native custom fields that allow you to add extra information to your posts. Here’s how to use them:

WordPress Native Custom Fields
  1. Visibility in the Editor: Native custom fields can be found in the post editor under the “Document” or “Post” settings, depending on your WordPress version. To make them visible, ensure the “Custom Fields” option is activated in the “Screen Options” at the top right corner of the editor.
  2. Activation in Screen Options:Click on “Screen Options” at the top right corner of the editor.Check the “Custom Fields” option to activate it.
  3. Click on “Screen Options” at the top right corner of the editor.
  4. Check the “Custom Fields” option to activate it.